Kauppalehti Optio


Finnish business magazine Kauppalehti Optio did a visit to the “secretative world” of Porsche restoration in the green forests of Finnish Ostrobotnia in August 2018. The story of editor Heikki Haapavaara and the great pictures taken by their photographer Pekka Karhunen where published in their November edition as cover story for the car supplement.

The Article discusses the 70 years history of Porsche and in particular the history of the 911 model. We at Carrera Classic think Porsche 911 is the most important sports car of the modern times. The car was launched originally in 1963. It was the new bigger Porsche after the 356 model which got the beautiful new body shape from the pen of “Butzi” Porsche and which got from the beginning the legendary six cylinder boxer engine. There is no other sport car which visual image and technical design would have stayed the same for over 50 years. We have fallen in love with this small car, its beautiful body shape, the simple design and the fantastic sound of the six cylinder boxer engine.

We also showed the visitors our fully restored 1965 Rubin Red 911 as well as the 1970 911 S “ Prince Bertils Car”. We discuss in length the different details of the cars and the different stories related to the cars and their restoration. Big part of the article was devoted to the process of restoration. A big restoration can easily take over 2000 man hours, which means about 1,5 man years of work. It is a lot, but the end result is in many respects like new car, but still respecting the originality of the car. Our guests were impressed on the quality of the work which our local team is able to do.




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